[ebook] University of the Underworld


Series: University of the Underworld

Volume: 1 of 1

Author: Ziloi

Release Date: October 31, 2022

Price: $9.99

Note: University of the Underworld is currently available in ebook format only.

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Series: University of the Underworld

Volume: 1 of 1

Author: Ziloi

Release Date: October 31, 2022

Price: $9.99

Note: University of the Underworld is currently available in ebook format only.

Series: University of the Underworld

Volume: 1 of 1

Author: Ziloi

Release Date: October 31, 2022

Price: $9.99

Note: University of the Underworld is currently available in ebook format only.


All ghosts in the Professional Malevolent Spirits and Creative Terrorizing Program aspire to become a top malevolent spirit of the underworld. And as for Cui Yue? He’s only here because of Bai Shaonan's unrequited love for him—or at least that was what he thought. Oh well. If Bai Shaonan likes him, it won't hurt to give a little feedback. But ever since he met Bai Shaonan, Cui Yue’s been spending all his time either being hunted, or on his way to being hunted. Hey Shaonan, do you want to fix your love life first?

After admitting a new student who would go on to break the record for the lowest grades in the school’s history, Bai Shaonan firmly believes that Cui Yue's devotion to academia is solely because of himself. Oh well. If Cui Yue likes him, it won't hurt to give a little feedback. But since Cui Yue is spending all his time either being hunted or on the way to being hunted, the only way toward a truly peaceful future is to deal with these issues, once and for all.

Product Details

ISBN: 978-1-956609-95-0

Translation: amixy

Editing: Jan Mitsuko Cash

Cover: Rin (@catbishonen)

About the Author

Socially awkward Aries; loves giving into her indulgences. As for the pen name, it was taken casually from the title of the Jin Dynasty poem Homeward Bound by Tao Yuanming.

When she has writer's block, Ziloi doesn't force herself to keep writing. Instead, she’ll drop it and run, with the hope that inspiration will come if she drags it on for long enough. And if it doesn't… Well, she'll still bow down to fate and crawl back to organize her words, or even rewrite them.

A fan of mystery plots that involve warning letters or threats, Ziloi was also itching to write a story set in a college campus. However, all sorts of problems cropped up once plotting began, so with the idea that mysteries must include the death of at least one character, she thought, Why not make all the characters dead? That's how University of the Underworld was born, and how Bai Shaonan and Cui Yue went from living humans to undead ghosts (ノ>ω<)ノ

Author Interview with Ziloi: Click Here!

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